通过在豚鼠饲料中添加不同含量的维生素 C,观察其对豚鼠生长发育的影响。在饲喂的颗粒饲料中加入不等量的维生素 C制成三种不同维生素 C含量的颗粒饲料 ,分别饲喂不同组的实验动物 ,结果表明 :不加维生素 C饲料饲喂豚鼠 ,其毛皮粗糙 ,体重下降 ,最终死亡 ,其它实验组均生长繁殖正常 。
In order to explain the influence of vitamin C on the growth development of guinea pig, the active ascorbic acid of different doses was supplied in pellet fodder of the guinea pig. Effects were observed on the growth development of the guinea pig. This groups of guinea pig showed some signs of deficiency within 15~20 days when vitamin C was withheld.This guinea pigs had often rough hair coat, diarrhea, weight loss and ocular and nasal discharge. The death from starvation or secondary infection followed in 30~40 days.There was no difference in the growth devolepment of guinea pig between the control group and other groups that the vitamin C was supplied in guinea pig feed, only some guinea pigs had molt phenomenon.
Endemic Diseases Bulletin