为探讨目前金沙江水系高原峡谷型血吸虫病的流行情况 ,于 1999年 10月按常规方法对人群、家畜及鼠类同步进行检查。结果显示血吸虫病感染率居民为 5 .92 % ,牛为 5 .32 % ,马属 (马、骡、驴 )为 0 .94% ,鼠类为 0 .14% ;RIT:人占5 9.6 4% ,牛占 38.6 7% ,马属占 1.6 6 % ,鼠占 0 .0 2 %。目前新民、新生 2个行政村血吸虫病的流行程度已大为减轻 ;人、牛仍为主要传染源 ,鼠在传播血吸虫病上处于极次要地位 ;防治上仍应加强健康教育 ,以人、畜化疗为主 ,辅以易感地区灭螺 。
The purpose of this report was to study present schistosomiasis epidemic diseases circumstances in mountainous valley region of Yongsheng County. According to schistosomiaetiological routine examination method, we simultaneously made an investigation and study on rodents, humans and domestic animals. The result was that the infection rate of humans was 5.92%, cattle 5.32%, horse genus 0.94%, rodents 0.14%. RIT 59.64% for humans, 38.67% for cattle, 1.66% for horse genus and 0.02% for rodents. Two villages belong to schistosomiasis light epidemic regions at present. Human and cattle are main infection sources, rodents play secondary role in propagating schistosomiasis. By strengthening health education, mainly testing humans and livestock, assisting molluscacide at easy infected areas, we can quickly control schistosomiasis.
Endemic Diseases Bulletin