
开放教育实践再思考 被引量:9

Rethinking Open Educational Practices
摘要 在教育发展领域,人们对创新教育实践的兴趣与日俱增。任何工作如果一开始就得到公共资金的支持或由公共资金支付(尤其以拨款或工资形式支付给劳动成果创造者),那么劳动成果应必须为大众共享。这种必要性很大程度上驱动着教育实践的创新。传统的学习、教学和研究(及其传播)模式面临压力。它如果不能响应这种诉求,必然会出现诸多其它的办学和认证模式,迫使传统的住宿教育模式发生变化。然而,不管什么类型的教育,学习资源获取途径和教育机会的开放并不意味着教学重要性的降低。事实上,教学可能变得更加重要。在开放教育环境下,学习者更可能需要有组织和有指导的教学,但是在多大程度上提供这种学习支持、何时提供以及如何恰当地提供这种支持——这些都是亟待开放教育工作者解决的问题。 There are growing interests among the educational development community for further opening up educa- tional practice. This view is motivated, to a large extent, by the need to make available for public good products of work that is supported and paid by public funds in the first place, especially through grants and payments to people producing this content. Conventional models of learning, teaching and research including its dissemination are under pressure to respond to this challenge. The failure to do so will see the proliferation of alternative models of educational provision and credentialing that will force conventional models of residential education to change. However, opening up access to learning resources and educational opportunities does not mean a relegation of the importance of teaching in any sector of education. In fact, quite the opposite, it is likely to be true. In an open educational environment, learners are more than ever likely to need more structure and guidance than less, but how much, when and how exact- ly this kind of support is going to be provided is the challenge that educators in an open educational environment will need to address quickly, now and in the near future.
出处 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期11-16,共6页 Open Education Research
关键词 开放教育实践(开放学习 开放学术 开放获取) 开放教育资源 云端学习 微认证(开放徽章) 大规模开放在线课程 open educational practices ( open learning, open scholarship, open access ) open educational resources( OER ) cloud-based learning micro-credentialing (open badging) massive open online courses ( MOOC )
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