目的运用双通道视觉质量分析系统分析散光矫正型人工晶状体(Toric人工晶状体)植入术后的视觉质量。方法选择术前角膜散光≥1.00 D的44例52眼植入AcrySof Toric人工晶状体,根据植入晶状体的型号不同分组,其中T3组19眼,T4组18眼,T5组10眼,T6组5眼。术后3个月评估4组间的裸眼远视力、最佳矫正远视力、轴位旋转度和残余散光,并运用视觉质量分析系统测量4组间的调制传递函数截止频率、Strehl比值、客观散射指数和不同对比度(OV100%、OV20%和OV9%)的调制传递函数值。结果术后3个月的裸眼远视力为(0.18±0.11)LogMAR;最佳矫正远视力为(0.07±0.08)LogMAR;轴位旋转为3.62°±1.76°;残余散光为(0.50±0.29)D;客观散射指数为1.800±0.840;调制传递函数截止频率为(22.862±5.584)c·d-1;Strehl比为0.155±0.038;OV100%、OV20%和OV9%分别为0.760±0.180、0.770±0.190和0.780±0.210。T3、T4、T5和T6组的残余散光分别为(0.34±0.28)D、(0.47±0.24)D、(0.57±0.19)D和(0.90±0.29)D,4组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),其余参数4组间相比差异均无统计学意义。结论双通道视觉质量分析系统可较全面、客观地评估散光矫正型人工晶状体植入术后的视觉质量,AcrySof Toric人工晶状体可以有效及安全地矫正白内障患者的角膜散光。
Objective To analyze the visual quality after Toric intraocular lens (IOL) implantation with optical quality analysis system. Methods A total of 52 eyes of 44 patients with regular corneal astigmatism equal to or more than 1.00 D underwent AcrySof Toric IOL implantation, based on the IOL types, the patients were divided into four groups, including 19 eyes in T3 group, 18 eyes in T4 group, l0 eyes in T5 group, 5 eyes in T5 group. Main outcomes were evaluated at postoperative 3 months, included uncorrected distant visual acuity, corrected distant visual acuity, residual refractive cyl- inder and IOL rotation. Objective optical quality were measured using optical quality a- nalysis system, included modulation transfer function (MTF)cutoff, objective scalter- ing index, Strehl ratio, MTF value under OV100% , OV20% and OV9%. Results At postoperative 3 months, the uncorrected distant visual acuity and corrected distant vis- ual acuity were (0.18 ± 0.11 ) LogMAR and ( 0.07 ± 0.08 ) LogMAR, the residual refrac- tive cylinder was (0.50 ±0.29)D, the mean absolute misalignment was 3.62°± 1.76°, the mean MTF cutoff, OSI, Strehl ratio, MTF value under OV100% , OV20% and OV9% were (22.862 ± 5. 584)c . d-1, 1. 800 ± 0.840, 0. 155 ± 0. 038, 0.760 ± 0. 180, 0.770 ± 0. 190 and 0.780 ± 0.210, respectively. The residual refractive cylinder in T3 group, T4 group, T5 group and T5 group were (0.34 ± 0.28 ) D, (0.47 ± 0.24) D, (0.57 ± 0.19 ) D and (0.90 ± 0.29) D, respectively, there was statistical difference (P 〈 0.01 ). Con-clusion The optical quality analysis system is useful for comprehensively and objectively evaluating the optical quality of AcrySof Toric IOL implantation. Implantation of an AcrySof Toric IOL is an effective and safe method to correct corneal a- stigmatism during cataract surgery.
Recent Advances in Ophthalmology