含氮模具钢材料经电火花加工后,加工表面常会出现不同程度的裂纹与气孔。通过对STAVAX ESR、MIRRAX ESR、VANCRON 40等3种含氮量不同的模具钢进行电火花加工实验,深入研究了裂纹及气孔与材料成分、电火花脉冲参数之间的关系。结果表明:在相同加工条件下,表面产生气孔的数量随着材料含氮量的增加而增多;含氮模具钢中含有铬元素时,会加剧裂纹的生成;脉冲宽度增大时,裂纹密度及气孔量随之增加;峰值电流增大时,裂纹密度及气孔量随之降低。
The varying degrees of cracks and pores generally appear on the finish surface of nitrogenous mould steel after EDM. The relationship between cracks or pores and material contents and pulse parameters was studied via EDM experiment for different nitrogen content mould steels. The results show that the pores quantity increases as the nitrogen contents of mould steel increases in the same condition. While nitrogenous mould steel contains Cr,it will aggravate the formation of cracks when EDM. The pores quantity and cracks density increase with the increment of pulse-on duration,while it decreases as peak current increases.
Electromachining & Mould