商业银行不良资产的存在是社会经济发展的必然产物 ,是市场经济发展到一定阶段的必然结果。因此 ,结合我国实际 ,认真分析不良资产形成的直接原因 ,采取切实措施化解和处置不良资产 ,是我国金融体制改革中十分紧迫的重要问题。
The presence of bad assets of the state owned commercial banks is the inevitable result of the social economic development as well as the outcome of the social economy developing to a certain stage.So,it is urgent for China's reform of the financial system to take the practical measures to eliminate and handle the bad assets,by combining with China's reality to analyse seriously the direct causes for the bad assets.
Journal of Yunnan Finance and Trade Institute