主要介绍了抚仙湖1 m新真空太阳望远镜(the 1-meter New Vacuum Solar Telescope,NVST)6 m水平式近红外光谱仪的安装过程和实测结果。主要讨论内容是光路设计特点、光学系统的装调以及利用该光谱仪对活动区NOAA 11662黑子进行的初步近红外光谱实测(波长1.56μm附近)。成功观测到由黑子强磁场造成的Fe I 1.56μm谱线裂变现象,并初步估算了磁场强度。该光谱的成功装调和使用,充分实现了对9 m光谱仪光学系统的整体检测,为9 m光谱仪的安装调试提供了宝贵的经验和参考。
This paper first presents the design, layout, and installation of a near-infrared grating spectrograph installed on the 1m new vacuum solar telescope in the Fuxian-Lake Solar-Observation Station of the Yunnan Observatories. It records spectra in the wavelength range of 1.0μm-2. 0μm. The focal length of its collimating mirror is 6m and its spectral resolution can reach about 6× 10-6μm/pixel. Using this spectrograph and a previously built near-infrared detector 25μm) we can obtain solar spectra with a horizontal-type spectrograph is to evaluate spectrograph in future. The designs include filter. With the spectrograph we can also (with an InGaAs detector of 512×640 pixels and a pixel size of wavelength coverage of 0. 004μm. One purpose of making this main designs to be used in the vertical-type 9m near-infrared those of the Echelle grating, infrared detector, and infrared front- accumulate experience of observing near-infrared solar spectra,particularly, in setting the slit width, exposure time, and successfully observed a sunspot region in a wavelength commonly studied spectral lines ( Fe I 1. 5648μm and Fe I field strengths. We reduced the data using codes designed wavelength calibration. Using the spectrograph we range around 1. 565μm. This range covers two 1. 5653μm), which are sensitive to solar magneticfor the l m telescope. The wavelength calibration is based on the standard solar spectrum. We calculated the magnetic-field strength ( instead of the magnetic-field flux) from the line split rather straightforwardly. These preliminary results demonstrate the effectiveness of this 6m spectrograph in achieving its scientific goals.
Astronomical Research & Technology
The 1m new vacuum solar telescope in the Fuxian-Lake Solar-Observation Station