
种植体扭矩与初级稳定性相关性的研究 被引量:4

Assessment of correlation between insertion torque and primary stability at dental implant placement
摘要 目的通过检测种植体松动度,进行种植体扭矩与术后种植体初级稳定性相关程度的分析。方法随机选取86例患者的种植体264颗,前牙区82颗,磨牙区182颗,术中记录种植体植入时扭矩(insertion torque value,IT Value),Osstell松动度测定仪检测种植体松动度值(implant stability quotient,ISQ),统计扭矩与植入后初期稳定性二者之的相关性。结果缺失前牙区IT值与ISQ相关系数:0.439;P<0.01;缺失磨牙区IT与ISQ相关系数:0.114;P<0.01。结论种植体植入扭矩是检测皮质骨密度重要依据,与种植体初期稳定性无明显相关性,不能准确评估种植体初期稳定性。 Objective Through testing dental implant stability quotient, ISQ, the aim of the present clinical study was to analysis the correlation between insertion torque value, (IT value) and primary stability. Methods A total of 264 implants were placed in 86 patients which were random selected, 82 implant of anterior teeth region, and 182 of molar teeth region. Record the IT value of dental implant, test the ISQ of implant by Osstell instrument, analysis the correlation between IT value and ISQ. Results Statistically significant correlations were found anterior teeth region between bone IT values and ISQ (r=-0439,P〈0.01); and the correlation molar teeth region (r=-0.114;P〈0.01) . Conclusion IT value is a useful tool to determine the bone density in the implant recipient sites, but there is no significantly correlation between IT values and ISQ, IT value can't be used for assessing the implant primary stability.
出处 《现代口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2014年第2期69-71,共3页 Journal of Modern Stomatology
关键词 种植体 骨密度 扭矩 初期稳定性 Bone density Dental implant Insertion torque value Implant primary stability
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