In the present work, potential groundwater pollution by methabenzthiazuron (MTBU) and the effect of three different amendments (composted sheep manure, composted pine bark and spent coffee grounds) on its mobility were investigated under laboratory conditions. The efficiency of ZnO and TiO2 suspensions in the photocatalytic degradation of MTBU in leaching water was also investigated. The relative and cumulative breakthrough curves were obtained from disturbed soil columns. The presence and/or addition of organic matter drastically reduced the movement of the herbicide. On other hand, photocatalytic experiments showed that the addition of ZnO and TiO2 strongly enhances the degradation rate of this herbicide compared with the results of photolytic experiments under artificial light. ZnO appeared to be more effective in MTBU oxidation than TiO2. The results obtained point to the interest of using organic wastes and heterogeneous photocatalysis for reducing the pollution of groundwater by pesticide drainage.
In the present work, potential groundwater pollution by methabenzthiazuron (MTBU) and the effect of three different amendments (composted sheep manure, composted pine bark and spent coffee grounds) on its mobility were investigated under laboratory conditions. The efficiency of ZnO and TiO2 suspensions in the photocatalytic degradation of MTBU in leaching water was also investigated. The relative and cumulative breakthrough curves were obtained from disturbed soil columns. The presence and/or addition of organic matter drastically reduced the movement of the herbicide. On other hand, photocatalytic experiments showed that the addition of ZnO and TiO2 strongly enhances the degradation rate of this herbicide compared with the results of photolytic experiments under artificial light. ZnO appeared to be more effective in MTBU oxidation than TiO2. The results obtained point to the interest of using organic wastes and heterogeneous photocatalysis for reducing the pollution of groundwater by pesticide drainage.
financial support from Ramón and Cajal Subprogram,the Instituto Nacional de Investigacióny Tecnologīa Agraria y Alimentaria(ProjectRTA2011-00022-00-00)
the Ministerio de Espana de Ciencia e Innovación(Project AGL2010-20458-C02-01)