目的评估钆剂延迟增强(LGE)对心肌病变的诊断价值。方法收集2010-01—2013-01具有完整心血管磁共振(CMR)图像病例51例,其中男32例。女19例,年龄17-79(49.8±16.0)岁。由2位影像诊断医师独立盲法评估CMR图像中LGE有无、LGE部位(心内膜下、透壁、壁间、心外膜下)及形态(斑点/斑片样、线条样、片状/片状),并行Kappa一致性检验,同时评价LGE与心肌病变的关系。结果临床确诊有心肌病变39例,2位影像诊断医师对LGE征象有无、部位、形态的判定一致性较好(Kappa=0.876、0.678、0.686,均P<0.01或0.05)。CMR-LGE可以显示心肌病变(X^2=13.226,P<0.05).其敏感度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为79.5%、83.3%、93.9%、55.6%。其中缺血性心肌病LGE主要为心内膜下或透壁型,占81.8%(9/11),以片状强化多见72.7%(8/11)。炎性心肌病变主要位于心肌壁间75.0%(6/8)。强化形态多样,斑点/斑片样、线条样、片状均可见。而非缺血性心肌病中。LGE征象可出现于心内膜下、透壁、壁间,形态以斑点、斑片样多见。结论 LGE是CMR检查的一个重要组成部分。可以检测心肌病变的有无及范围,有助于临床医师识别与心脏有关的症状和病因。
Objective To evaluate the application of late gadolinium-enhanced cardiovascular magnetic resonance (LGE-CMR) images in diagnosis of myocardiepathy. Methods Fifty one patients, including 32 males and 19 females aged 17-79y received LGE-CMR examination during January 2010 and January 2013. The LGE-CMR images were evaluated by two radiologists independentLy, in terms of LGE Locations (subendocardial, transmural, mid-wall, subepicardial) and LGE patterns (spot/spots, linear, patchy). Kappa test for consistency and x" for the relationship between LGE and cardiomyopathy were per- formed. Results Myocardial lesions were found in 39 cases by clinical follow-up or pathology. There was a good consistency in diagnosis, LGE location and pattern between 2 radiologists (Kappa= 0.876, 0.678, 0.686, P〈0.05 or 0.01). LGE-CMR well demonstrated myocardial lesions (x-~= 13.226, P〈0.05) with a sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predic- tive value of 79.5%, 83.3%, 93.9% and 55.6%, respectively. The LGE in ischemic cardiomyopathy was mostly located in suben- docardial or transmural (81.8%) sites, and patchy enhancement was common (72.7%).The LGE in inflammatory cardiomyopathy was mainly situated in mid-wall (75.0%), and spot/spots (3/8), linear (3/8), patchy (2/8) enhancements were all visible. In the non-ischemic cardiomyopathy, LGE signs were in subendocardial, transmural or mid-wall sites, and inclined to be spot/spots-like enhancement. Conclusion LGE-CMR is helpful in evaluation of cardiac lesions and its features in patients with cardiomyopathy.
Zhejiang Medical Journal
Cardiac magnetic resonance Late gadolinium enhancement Myocardial lesions