通过对黑龙江省不同地区 72 0个点的调查 ,初步查清了小麦叶枯性病害在全省的分布 ,根据温度和降雨量等气象条件和初始病指可初步将全省病害分为三个区 :即病害流行强度 级区 ,包括嫩江、呼玛地区 ;流行强度 级区 ,包括泰来、哈尔滨、牡丹江、宝清、佳木斯等地 ;流行强度 级区 ,包括北安、饶河、伊春地区。并明确了 Septoria属病害和 Biploria属病害在各地区叶枯性病害中所占比例。
The investigation from 720 locations in Heilongjiang showed the distribution of the wheat leaf blight disease in Heilongjiang. According to the meteorological recordings and the areas of wheat leaf blight disease occurrence in Heilongjiang, there were three zonations for this disease. The first region was popular intensity Ⅰ(disease index was less than 30), including Nenjiang. Huma district. The secend region was popular intensity Ⅱ(disease index was from 30 to 50), including Tailai ,Haerbin, Mudanjiang, Baoqing, Jiamusi district. The third region was popular intensity Ⅲ(disease index was more than 50), including Beian, Raohe, Yichun district. The proportion of Septoria and Bipolaris in different district was clear.
Journal of Triticeae Crops
"八五"国家科技攻关专题!"小麦主要病虫害及综合防治技术研究"(85 -10 -0 1-0 2 -0 5 )