报道了湖南省鱼类新纪录 13种及其地理分布 .迄今为止 ,湖南共有鱼类 179种和亚种 ,隶属于 11目 2 6科10 1属 .鲤科鱼类最为丰富 ,有 93种和亚种 ,占该地区鱼类总数的 5 1.9% .湖南鱼类区系以东亚特有的江河平原鱼类为主 ,另有老第三纪原始类群的后裔种类 ,还有南亚暖水性类群鱼类 。
Thirteen species of freshwater fishes are first reported in Hunan province of China. The fish fauna in this province now is composed of 179 species and subspecies,belonging to 11 orders, 26 families and 101 genera. Among them, there are 93 species or subspecies of cyprinid fishes, making up 51 9% of the total. The species in the fish fauna are mostly endemic in river plains in East Asia. Moreover, there are offspring fishes of the old Tertiary Period, the warm water stream fishes of South Asia and the fishes of Qinghai Xizang Plateau in this province.
Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Natural Sciences)
湖南农业大学青年科研基金资助项目!([1996 ]114- 15 )