

A Comparison between the Viewpoint of Individual Freedom and That of Political Freedom of Marx and Mao Zedong
摘要 马克思和毛泽东在他们的一生中皆追求个人自由和政治自由,并寻觅使最大多数人享有个人自由和政治自由的道路。两者的内在关系体现为五个方面:专制和压迫促使马克思和毛泽东追求个人自由和政治自由;他们的个人自由观和政治自由观的内容基本上是一致的,毛泽东进一步细化个人自由和政治自由的具体内容;他们均把个人自由与政治自由、社会责任紧密联系在一起;他们均认识到阶级社会中个人自由和政治自由的阶级性,都鞭笞资产阶级自由,讴歌无产阶级自由;毛泽东的个人自由观和政治自由观受到了马克思思想的影响,两者具有一定的源流关系,毛泽东在马克思的基础上有所创新和发展。不过,两者亦存在形成背景、学理性、层次三方面的重大差异。 Marx and Mao Zedong were in their lifetime committing to the pursuit of freedom and political free- dom, and they sought to make most people have individual freedom and political freedom. Their internal relation- ships embodies the following five aspects : 1 ) Under the despotism and the oppression, Marx and Mao Zedong pursued the individual freedom and the political freedom ; 2 ) The content of Marx' s viewpoint of individual freedom and viewpoint of political freedom and the content of Mao Zedong' s viewpoint of individual freedom and viewpoint of po- litical freedom are basically the same, but Mao Zedong refined further the specific content of individual freedom and political freedom ;3 )Marx and Mao Zedong combined both the individual freedom, the political freedom and the so- cial responsibility together;4)Marx and Mao Zedong found both the class character of the individual freedom and the political freedom in the class society and they criticized both the bourgeois freedom and eulogized the freedom of the proletariat and 5 ) Mao Zedong' s viewpoint of individual freedom and viewpoint of political freedom were influ- enced by Marx' s thought ; therefore, Marx' s thought was the origin of Mao' s thought, and to some extent, Mao de- ve|oped Marx' s thought. However, they have the major differences of the three aspects : forming background, aca- demic characteristics, and level.
作者 陈强
出处 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期50-60,共11页 Journal of Nanchang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目"社团主义(corporatism)视域下的东盟一体化及中国方略"(教外司留[2012]1707号)
关键词 马克思 毛泽东 个人自由观 政治自由观 比较 Marx Mao Zedong viewpoint of individual freedom viewpoint of political freedom comparison
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