对大型露天煤矿排土机卸料臂钢结构进行了静力学分析。以18 000 t/h的排土机为例,利用HyPermesh有限元分析理论,建立系统荷载组合及有限元模型,进行了钢结构的受力及位移的静力分析。分析结果表明,钢结构各方面性能均满足要求,为排土机的设计提供了理论依据。
The paper analyzed the steel frame of unloading arm of the spreader with capacity of 18 000t/h in large surface mines. It applied Hypermesh finite element analysis theory to establish the system loading combination and the finite element model, and conducted the stress and displacement analysis of the steel frame. The analysis results showed that the steel frame met the requirements in all properties, which offered theoretical basis for the design of the spreader.
Mechanical Management and Development