
赞助匹配对赛事赞助品牌评价的影响研究——解释水平理论视角 被引量:16

The Impact of Match on Sponsor Brand Evaluation in Sport-event Sponsorship——A Prospective of Construal Level Theory
摘要 采用2(解释水平高、低)×2(功能匹配,形象匹配)混合实验设计,检验了匹配类型、解释水平、赞助活动态度、赞助品牌评价之间的相互关系。结果显示,在低解释水平下,消费者对功能型匹配赞助活动态度及赞助品牌评价要好于形象型匹配;在高解释水平下,消费者对形象型匹配赞助活动态度及赞助品牌评价要好于功能型匹配。当解释水平提高时(通过改变时间距离),功能匹配对赞助活动态度及赞助品牌评价的正向影响随之减弱,形象匹配对赞助活动态度及赞助品牌评价的正向影响随之增强。赞助活动态度中介了解释水平、匹配类型的交互作用对赞助品牌评价的影响。 This paper tested correlation among event-sponsor match,construal level,attitude toward sponsorship and brand evaluation.Two experiments show that in a higher-level construal,participants have higher attitude on image-based match sporsorship and high brand evaluation than function-based match sponsorship.However,in a low-level construal,participants have higher attitude on function-based match sponsorship and higher brand evaluation than image-based match sponsorship.Impact of function-based match on consumer attitude to sport event sponsorship and brand evaluation decreases with increasing of construal level(manipulated by time distance).However,impact of image-based match on consumer attitude to sport event sponsorship increases with increasing of construal level(manipulated by time distance).Interaction of construal levl and event-sponsor match has effect on brand evaluation,the intermediation of attitude toward sponsporship is tested.
出处 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期70-77,共8页 China Sport Science
基金 四川省哲学社会科学"十二五"规划项目(SC12XK037) 西南财经大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(JBK120503)
关键词 解释水平 匹配 赞助 品牌评价 construal level match sponsorship brand evaluation
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