目的:探讨婴儿湿疹对患儿及其家庭生活质量的影响。方法分别采用婴儿皮炎生活质量指数(IDQOL)和皮炎家庭影响调查表(DFI)评估婴儿湿疹患儿及其家庭的生活质量,并分析相关影响因素。两份问卷均由患儿家长填写,并对婴儿湿疹严重程度的评分(根据IDQOL内单独项)进行分析。结果134例婴儿湿疹患儿平均年龄为(5.11±3.03)个月。IDQOL平均评分(8.35±4.33)分(0~18分);DFI平均评分(7.84±4.71)分(0~21分);IDQOL评分高的前3项分别是症状(1.45±0.78)分,睡眠影响(1.19±0.98)分,情绪(1.01±0.76)分;DFI评分高的前3项分别是情绪苦恼(1.13±0.67)分,感到疲惫(1.05±0.78)分,睡眠影响(1.02±0.81)分;疾病严重程度评分与IDQOL评分、DFI评分相比差异有统计学意义(r=0.212, P=0.014;r=0.300,P<0.01);IDQOL评分与DFI评分二者间差异有统计学意义(r=0.679, P<0.01);分别对患儿性别、填表家长性别、患儿喂养方式及家族中有无过敏史进行比较, IDQOL评分与DFI评分相比差异均无统计学意义。结论婴儿湿疹对患儿及其家庭的生活质量有明显的负面影响,湿疹越严重,负面影响越大。婴儿生活质量影响较显著的是症状(瘙痒)、睡眠和情绪,其家庭生活质量影响较显著的是情绪、疲惫和睡眠。
Objective To explore the impact of infantile eczema on the patient&±39;s life quality and their family. Methods The infant&±39;s dermatitis quality of life index(IDQOL english version) and dermatitis family impact questionnaire(DFI Chinese version)were used respective to evaluate the quality of life of patients with infantile eczema and their family (n=134);Severity of infantile eczema was determined by parents by an additional question on the IDQOL. Results The mean age of the 134 patients was 5.11±.03 months old. The mean score for IDQOL was 8.35±.33 (range 0~18). The mean score for DFI was7.84±.71 (range 0~21). The ifrst three scores of IDQOL items were symptoms (1.45±.78), time to get to sleep (1.19±.98) and mood (1.01±.76);The ifrst three scores of DFI items were emotion (1.13±.67), tiredness (1.05±.78) and sleep of family (1.02±.81).The IDQOL and DFI scores were well correlated with parental assessment of disease severity (r=0.212, P=0.014;r=0.300, P<0.01) and between each other (r=0.679, P<0.01). The scores of IDQOL and DFI were not signiifcantly different between boys and girls, mother and father, breast milk feeding or other feeding ways, patients with or without family heredity allergy. Conclusion Infantile eczema has marked negative effect on patients and their family&±39;s life quality, and the severer the disease is, the greater impact it may have. The ifrst three scores of IDQOL items were symptoms, time to get to sleep and mood. The ifrst three scores of DFI items were emotion, tiredness and sleep of family.
Journal of Practical Dermatology