通过吐温80(Tween80)、十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS)、十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTMAB)3种表面活性剂对恶臭假单胞菌Pputida的微生物静态培养结果表明,CTMAB对P.putida有显著抑制作用,SDS和Tween80在低浓度下对细菌的抑制较小,而当浓度在50mg/L以上时,对细菌的抑制作用较为明显。在对表面活性剂筛选和确定最优添加浓度后,实验以活性炭纤维(activated carbon on fiber.ACOF)作为生物滴滤塔的填料,将Tween80、SDS加入喷淋液中,研究其对滴滤塔处理氯苯废气效果的影响。结果表明,未添加表面活性剂时滴滤塔需要7d的启动时间,添加后大约需要4d就可以看到明显的去除效果;而与SDS相比,添加Tween80能够使滤塔在相同时期内去除效果提高10%。在控制滴滤塔气体停留时间为109s,氯苯气体入口浓度为3000~5000mg/m3体积负荷为145g/(m3·h)时,未加表面活性剂的情况下,滴滤塔去除能力为120g/(m3·h);添加后,SDS可使滴滤塔的去除能力升高到132g/(m3·h),Tween80可将其提高到140g/(m3·h)。
The toxicity test between Pseudomonas putida and 3 surfactants such as Polysorbate 80 (Tween80), sodium dodecyl sulfonate(SDS), cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide(CTMAB) showed that the growth of Pseudomonas putida can be retarded by CTMAB and less affected by SDS and Tween80 under the low concentrations. And inhibition of bacteria is obvious when the concentration of SDS and Tween80 are more than 50 mg/L. After screening surfactants and determining the optimal concentration, activated carbon on fiber (ACOF) was used as packing of biotrickling filter, adding SDS and Tween80 into spray liquid, to study influence of filter treatment effect with chrolobenzene-contained waste gas. The research shows that, the startup time of filter is 7 days without adding surfactants or 4 days with surfactants. Compared with SDS, adding TweenS0 could increase the efficiency of filter by 10% during the same period. Without surfactants, the efficiency of filter is 120 g/(m3·h) at the empty bed residence time of 109 s, chrolobenzene concentration in the range of 3 000-5 000 mg/m3 and loading rate of 145 g/(m3·h). Under the same conditions of the experiment, the efficiency will increase to 132g/(m3·h) with adding SDS and 140 g/(m3·h) with adding Tween80.
Environmental Science & Technology