各国一般都在经济发展到一定阶段后 ,有针对性地实施区域经济发展政策 ,以解决地区之间经济发展不平衡的问题。其中意大利的南方开发政策最能提供借鉴意义。在对落后地区的开发上 ,不要完全寄希望于市场机制 ,政府要积极承担自己的作用 ;工业化是开发落后地区的关键 ;政府的行政行为要和市场机制相结合 ;实施非均衡的发展战略 ;发展教育 ,转变传统的价值观念。
Generally speaking, each country implements regional economic development policy, to solve the disequilibrium of regional economic development, when its economy has developed to some degree. For China, the most instructive example among them is Italian policy for exploitation of its south. Upon the bases of theoretical analysis of Italian policy, the author thinks several points listed below should be emphasized: Don't rely solely on the market institution in the development of economical regions lagging behind,the hands of government should be grasped with the hands of market. Industrialization is key point of developing the economic region lagging behind. Implement the strategy of disequilibrium development. Developing education to change traditional views.
Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)