
日本囊对虾2种形态变异类型群体形态性状对体质量的影响效果分析 被引量:7

The Effects of Morphometric Traits on Body Weight of Two Morphologically Similar Varieties of Marsupenaeus japonicus
摘要 我国沿海日本囊对虾(Marsupenaeus japnicus)群体可依据其头胸部侧面斜纹延伸到头部腹面与否分为2种不同形态变异类型.随机选取室内相同养殖环境下2种形态变异类型F1群体对虾各90尾,分别测量体长(X1)、头胸部长(X2)、第1~6腹节长(X3~X8)、尾节长(X9)、头胸部宽(X10)、第1~6腹节宽(X11~X16)、尾节宽(X17)、头胸部高(X18)、第1~6腹节高(X19~X24)等24项形态指标和体质量(Y)性状.比较2种形态变异类型群体各形态性状与体长的比例参数发现,二者在体形上存在一定差异.相关分析和通径分析结果表明,两群体对虾各形态性状与体质量的相关性均达到极显著(p<0.01)水平;形态变异类型Ⅰ群体的体长、第1腹节宽、头胸部宽、第5腹节长、第3腹节长和第6腹节宽对体质量直接影响显著;形态变异类型Ⅱ群体则以体长、头胸部长、第5腹节宽和第1腹节宽对体质量直接影响显著;两群体决定系数分析结果与通径分析结果一致.经显著性分析,将偏回归系数显著的变量对体质量建立多元回归方程,形态变异类型Ⅰ:Y=-23.789+1.525 X1+5.183 X10+10.889 X11+5.671 X7-4.066 X5-4.054 X16,形态变异类型Ⅱ:Y=-20.533+1.476 X1+4.759 X11+1.573 X2+6.864 X15,2个方程的回归关系均达到了极显著水平(p<0.01).研究结果表明,该结果可为日本囊对虾生长性状相关选育提供测度指标. The kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus is widely distributed throughout the Indo-West Pacific. Two morphologically similar varieties 1~ and II ,are recognized along the coast of China.These two varieties are characterized by different color banding patterns on the carapace.In this study,ninety individuals from two morphologically similar varieties of Marsupenaeus japonicus were randomly sampled respectively for measuring 24 morphometric traits including body length (X1), carapace length (Xz) ,the first-sixth abdominal segment length (X3-X8),telson length (X9), carapace width (X^0), the first-sixth abdominal seg- ment width (Xn-X16),telson width(XaT),carapace height (X^8),the first-sixth abdominal segment height (Xa9-Xz4).The results for morphological characteristics showed that there is some difference in the body figure between the two varieties.By correlation and path analysis, the results showed that the correlation coefficients of each morphological trait to body weight (Y) were all at extremely significant level (p d0.01).The path coefficients of body length, the first abdominal segment width, carapace width, the fifth abdomi- nal segment length,the third abdominal segment length and the sixth abdominal segment width of variety I to body weight all reach significant level (p^0.05),but the direct effect of the last two traits to body weight is negative.The body length,carapace length, the fifth abdominal segment width and the first abdominal segment width of variety II to body weight all reach significant level (p 0. 05).The result of determination coefficients analysis was consistent with that of path in two varieties.The morphometric traits which reach level of significance (p d0.05) are used to establish the multiple regression equations, which were Y=- 23. 789 + 1. 525X1 + 5. 183X10 + 10. 889Xn + 5. 671Xz -- 4. 066X5 -- 4. 054X16 (variety I ) and Y= -- 20. 533 + 1. 476X1 + 4. 759Xxl -^- 1. 573Xz +6. 864X^s (variety 11 ) ,respe
出处 《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期289-296,共8页 Journal of Xiamen University:Natural Science
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(2012AA10A409) 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(ARS-47)
关键词 日本囊对虾 形态变异类型 形态性状 相关分析 多元回归 Marsupenaeus japonicus morphologically similar varieties morphometric trait correlation analysis multipleregression
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