为了研究石灰性田种植优质超级稻施钾最大效益,在石灰性田进行Y两优372施K2O最大效益的回归试验研究。根据试验研究结果,通过回归分析,建立了Y两优372产量与施K2O量的效应函数模型,结合石灰性田耕层养分状况、气候、Y两优372品种特性、栽培技术、相关物价和施K2O效益等情况综合评估与分析,确定石灰性田种植Y两优372最大效益产量8108.7kg/hm2,最大效益施K2O 115.8kg/hm2。最大效益产量比不施K2O增产908.7kg/hm2,增长12.62%,增加效益1447.87元/hm2,产投比为2.98。
In order to know K fertilizer application's maximum benefit for high quality super rice cultivation in calcic field, a regression experiment study was conducted on this topic in super rice Y.-liangyou-372. Based on the experiment results and regression analysis, effective function model of between Y-liangy- ou-372's yield and K20 application amount was established, integrated with field plough layer nutrient, weather, variety characters, cultivation technology, relevant prices and K20 application benefit, an evaluation & analysis was conducted to confirm that the yield and K fertilizer application amount for maximum benefit were 8108.7 kg/hm2 and 115.8 kg/hm2 respectively, this yield was 908.7 kg/hm2 ,higher than that without K application (increase by 12.62% and benefit increase of 447.87Yuan/hm2 ,and finally the ratio of input-output was 2.98.
Journal of Guangxi Agriculture
High quality super rice
K fertilizer application amount
maximum benefit