China Capable of Exploring Mars China has the capability to explore the planet Mars,said Ye Peijian,top scientist with China’s lunar probe mission.China currently has the technology to send a probe to circle and land on the planet,without major problems with tracking control and
China Capable of Exploring Mars
China has the capability to explore the planet Mars, said Ye Peijian, top scientist with China's lunar probe mission. China currently has the technology to send a probe to circle and land on the planet, without major problems with tracking control and communications technology. But the trip to Mars will depend on the country's budget and planning. Currently, it takes about 10 months to send a probe from Earth to Mars, and the probing period lasts between 500 and 800 days. So far, humans have made over 40 attempts to explore Mars but more than half have failed. Out of 13 attempted landings, only seven probes successfully sent back signals after landing. In 2011, a Russian spacecraft carried China's first Mars-exploration probe, Yinghuo-1, into space but it later broke down, marking the failure of China's first Mars exploration.