以从荷兰引进的17个朱顶红品种为试验材料,根据优势互补和性状特异性原则,设计了44个杂交组合和8个自交组合,并对杂交结果进行了统计。结果表明:44个杂交组合中,有38个可结实(结实率25.0%~100%),且均获得了后代子苗(出苗率35.7%~89.1%);8个自交组合中,有6个可结实(结实率62%~100%),其中5个获得了后代子苗(出苗率39%~96%)。17个品种的具体表现如下:①杂交结实率方面,‘红狮’、‘卡门’和‘至尊’表现较好,除个别组合不结实外,作为父本和母本平均结实率都达到了60%以上;②单果结籽数方面,‘至尊’、‘奥拉夫’和‘红狮’表现较好,作为母本单果结籽数分别为44.6粒、43.2粒和44.0粒;③子球生长量方面,组合‘红狮’ב蒙特布朗’、‘奥拉夫’ב蒙特布朗’和‘至尊’ב蒙特布朗’生长最快,2年生球周径分别为23.1 cm、22.5 cm和20.5 cm;④子球扩繁方面,2年生球中共有19个组合获得了分生子球,子球数最高的组合为‘当娜’ב朋友’,平均4.2个。利用以上组合,共获得了1.6万株杂交苗,并通过对已开花组合进行鉴定,初筛出新材料5个。结合试验中不同组合优劣表现和后代鉴定结果,对影响朱顶红杂交效率及后代选育的各种因素进行了初步分析,并提出了相应对策。
To cultivate excellent new cultivars, we introduced 17 Hippeastrum cultivars from Netherlands in this study. We designed 44 hybrid and 8 self-fertilize combinations, and calculated the seed setting rate, emergence rate, growth speed and the number of cabbage. The results showed that in the 44 hybrid combinations, 38 ones get hybrid offspring (seed setting rate 25.0% - 100%) and obtain progeny seedlings ( seedling emergence 35.7% - 89.1%); In the 8 self-fertilize combinations, 6 ones get fruits ( seed setting rate 62% - 100% ), and five of them harvest future generations (seedling emergence 39% - 96%). The concrete manifestation of the 17 cultivars are as following: ( 1 ) In terms of hybrid setting rate, 'Red Lion', 'Carmen', and 'Souvereign' had better performance. Except some combinations that didn't seed, the average seed rating were more than 60% either as male or female parents. (2) In terms of seed numberper fruit, 'Souvereign', 'Olaf', and 'Red Lion' had better performance. The average seed numbers per fruit of the three species as female parent were 44.6, 43.2 and 44.0, respectively. (3) In terms ofcormel growth, the combinations of 'ReALion' × 'MoutBlanc', 'Olaf' ×'MoutBlanc', and 'Souvereign' × 'Mout Blanc' had faster growth, the perimeters of 2-years-bulb were 23.1 cm, 22.5 cm, and 20.5 cm, respectively. (4) In terms of cormel propagation, 2-years-bulb of 19 combinations obtained gonidial balls, in which the 'Donau' x 'Amigo' combination had the most cormels, averaged at 4.2 per bulb. With above combinations this study obtained 16 thousands cross hybrid seedlings, from which 5 new cultivars were selected by identifying the blossom ones. The above results can serve as the reference for selecting breeding parents of Hippeastrum; Meanwhile, according to the performance of different combination and the results of offspring identification, this study analyzed the factors that affected the hybridization efficiency
Acta Horticulturae Sinica
Hippeastrum vittatum
germplasm enhancement