目前在分布式海量存储中越来越多的使用键/值存储模型,为此比较了Google Earth键/值存储模型和对象关系数据库存储模型。对象关系数据库以其使用简单,容易共享等特性,在许多实际应用中还有其独特的优势,由于键/值存储模型在可伸缩性等方面的优势,在分布式海量数据存储中应用越来越广泛。
At the present key/value data model is used more widely in distributed massive spatial data storage. This paper compares store structure between Google Earth and object-relational database. Since object-relational database is easy to use and share etc, it has its own unique advantages in many practial applications. Because key/value store model has distinct advantage in scalability, it has been widely applied in distributed massive spatial data storage.
Surveying and Mapping of Geology and Mineral Resources