鸭蛋营养丰富 ,易被人体消化吸收 ,深受人们喜爱 ,而其中红卵黄鸭蛋更是鸭蛋中的精品。实验结果表明 :采用特色配方饲料 ,加上放牧与补饲相结合的饲养技术 ,实验组鸭群产蛋率保持在八成以上 ,并且鸭蛋卵黄呈现鲜明的红色 ,其钙、磷、锌、碘的含量显著高于普通鸭蛋 ;其中 10种必需氨基酸的含量为 5 83 % ,对照组为 5 2 8% ,表明红卵黄鸭蛋比对照组普通鸭蛋营养更丰富 ,生产红卵黄鸭蛋的经济效益显著高于对照组的经济效益。
Red yelk duck egg enjoyed high popularity by containing rich nutrients.The experiment results indicated that laying rate of the test herd was above 80%,and duck egg's yelk showed bright red from the combination of special feed and pivotal breeding.The experiment herd laying rate and the content of its Ca,P,Zn,I of this kind of eggs were higher than control group.The content of necessary amino acid of the experiment egg reachesd 5 83%,the control egg was 5 28%.Economic benefit of production for red yelk duck egg was higher than that of common duck eggs.
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