
载体桩在郑东新区密实砂土持力层中的试验研究 被引量:7

Experimental study on piles with bearing base in dense sand bearing stratum of Zhengdong new district
摘要 以某高层建筑的试桩为背景,通过载体桩基础单桩静载荷试验和载体桩复合地基静载荷试验,分别对两种方案承载力计算值和试验值进行了对比,对桩侧摩阻力的影响进行了分析。研究结果表明:载体桩在达到极限荷载时沉降随荷载的变化呈陡降型,载体桩基础和载体桩复合地基在密实砂土持力层中承载力的计算值均偏于保守,两种方案在此地质条件下忽略桩侧摩阻力的贡献同样过于保守,并且建议施工时应注意载体桩桩头的保护。 Taking the pile testing of a high-rise building as the background, through the static load tests of the piles with bearing base and the piles with bearing base composite foundation respectively, the comparisons between the calculated values and the experimental values are carried out, and the influences of pile side friction are analyzed. The study results show that when the pile with bearing base reach the ultimate load the settlement will change with the loads showing a steep drop type, and the bearing capacity calculation values of the piles with bearing base and the piles with bearing base composite foundation in dense sand bearing stratum are conservative. The two treatment schemes in such geological conditions which ignore the contribution of pile side friction are also conservative, and it is proposed that the construction should pay attention to the protection of the pile head.
出处 《工程勘察》 2014年第3期24-27,32,共5页 Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying
关键词 载体桩 复合地基 密实砂土持力层 载荷试验 承载力 pile with bearing base composite foundation dense sand bearing stratum load test bearing capacity
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