采用普通铣镗床TPX6113-2加工大型箱体特大孔的调头镗削工艺综合了普通工艺装备与新技术,采用特殊装夹定位工艺方法,减少了反复装夹次数,保证了工件装夹定位的牢固性。设置辅助工艺基准点、线、面与数字的等量关系,控制等量误差精度,保证大孔调头后孔系加工中的同轴度。用平旋盘大孔镗刀架加工特大孔1 120+0.2+0.1和960+0.15+0.05mm的工艺与实践解决了中小型机床设备加工大型工件时,装夹定位难的问题和调头后定位难保证同轴度的问题。
Machined large box by using ordinary boring machine (TPX6113-2) and the large diameter holes turnover boring,integrated traditional skills and new technology,special clamping and positioning technique was used to reduce the number of repeated clamping and ensure the work piece clamping positioning firmness.In order to ensure the coaxial precision accuracy of the holes system in box work piece after turnover,set quivalent relationships among auxiliary technical datum,plane,line and digital,and controlled equal error precision.In the practice of process of machining large bearing hole,the diameter was 1 120+0.220+0.1 an φ966 +0.05 φ960+0.15mm,by using swing drive hole boring cutter machine,solved the difficult of clamping and locating in machining large work pieces of small and medium sized machine tool equipment and the problem of difficult ensuring the accuracy of precision coaxial after turnover.
New Technology & New Process
turnover boring of large diameter hole
clamping and locating
process technology