The Influence of Modulated Slotted Synthetic Jet on the Bypass of Hump
The Influence of Modulated Slotted Synthetic Jet on the Bypass of Hump
This paper deals with the influence of phase modulated synthetic jet on the aerodynamics of the hump in a closed test section Of the Eiffel-type wind tunnel. Three experimental methods of measurement techniques of this phenomenon were used: the pressure profile using the Kiel total pressure probe, the velocity profile using the CTA (constant temperature anemometry) probe and the visualization of the flow field using the hot film and the thermo camera, The experimental results with and without the influence of the synthetic jet were compared, as well the impact of the phase shift of the neighbouring synthetic jets. As a reference case, the flow around the hump without the influence of the synthetic jet was selected. The results of the measurement are presented in figures and compared.
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