探讨脑血栓形成的发生及继发性脑损伤的出现与花生四烯酸 (AA)及其代谢产物、廿碳五烯酸 (EPA)的关系。方法 用气相色谱法检测了 30例急性脑血栓形成患者血浆中AA、EPA的浓度 ,并与正常人相比较。结果 急性脑血栓形成患者血浆中廿碳四烯酸含量增加 ,而廿碳五烯酸含量下降。结论 急性脑血栓形成的发生及继发性脑损伤与其血浆中的AA、EPA含量有一定的关系。这可对脑血栓形成的预防及治疗提供一定的线索。
Objective To study the effects of the arachidonic acid (AA) and eicosapentaenic acid (EPA) on the occurrence of cerebral thrombosis and the secondary brain injury.Methods The concentration of AA and EPA in the plasma of 30 patients with cerebral thrombosis was measured by gas-liquid chromatography and was compared with that of the 30 controls.Results The concentration of the arachidonic acid was increased in the plasma of patients suffering from cerebral thrombosis while the concentration of the eicosapentaenic acid was decreased.Conclusion Arachidonic acid (AA) and eicosapentaenic acid (EPA) may have relationships with the occurrence of acute cerebral thrombosis and the secondary brain injury. The result provides some clues for the treatment and prevention of the cerebral thrombosis.
Chinese Journal of Coal Industry Medicine