Tianjin Jixian Wumishan two sedimentary riit trough located ~ anllao heart belongs to lvlesoproterozolc age for the Northern Region Wumishan deposition studies typical profile. Lithology is mainly layer-massive microbial mud--dolomite powder, followed by silty mudstone. Of carbonate tidal flat deposits (occlusion epicontinental sea environments), sedimentary cycle development. Microbial rocks can be divided into two types, three sub categories. Divided into specific laminar microbial dolomite: wavy layered stromatolite stromatolites dolomite and dolomite; non-laminar microbial dolomite: thrombolite dolomite. Study area dolomitization serious, unresolved attribution of specific microorganisms. Resulting structures concerned with its own research there are certain limitations, can not meet the needs of future deep oil and gas exploration, further research is needed.
Sichuan Nonferrous Metals