改革开放三十多年来,我国的经济发展取得了举世瞩目的成就伴随着巨大的经济进步,作为国民经济重要组成部分的银行业也获得快速发展,其中,中小银行无论是在数量上还是在资产、负债总额上,规模都在不断扩大,它们已经成为我国银行结构中的重要组成部分,通过银行集中度这一角度,研究银行结构变化对我国信用增长的影响,首先对选取的1990—2009年间的20个样本点建立了计量模型,然后运用OLS(ordinary least square的简称,意思是普通最小二乘法)计量方法对模型进行了估计,并且时模型进行了单位根检验和协整检验,最后从中得出了银行结构变化与信用增长的关系,即银行集中度的降低对我国信用增长的影响从长期来看具有促进作用,这为银行业的进一步改革提供了相关启示和政策建议。
For more than 30 years of reform and opening up, our country's economic development has made remarkable achievements. Accompanied by huge economic progress, as the important component of national economy, the banking industry also obtained fast development, among them, the small and medium-sized Banks both in quantity and in total assets, liabilities, are growing, they have become an important part of Chinese banking structure. By the bank concentration, study the effect of structural change in the bank credit growth in China, first of all selected 20 samples during 1990-2009 point measurement model is established, and then applying OLS ( ordinary further short for square, means ordinary least squares ) measurement method of the model were estimated, and the model for the unit root test arid cointegration test, finally draw the relationship between structural change in the banking and credit growth, namely bank concentration to reduce impact on our country's credit growth has a promoting function in the long run, the relevant to the further reform of the banking sector provides the enlightenment and policy recommendations.
Science and Technology & Innovation
bank structure
bank concentration
credit growth
financial institutions