

Effects of larval feeding plants on adult oviposition plant selection in Ophraella communa LeSage(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
摘要 为评估外来广聚萤叶甲对外来人侵豚草的寄主专一性,在野外网室中采用析因试验设计,研究了幼虫期完成发育所取食的植物(豚草、苍耳)是否影响其成虫在这2种植物大、小株型上的产卵决策。连续观测雌虫的4次产卵量、卵粒大小及其卵孵化情况等。结果表明:成虫在小株型豚草和苍耳上平均产卵数量不受其幼虫期取食植物的影响,但在大株型豚草和苍耳上的平均产卵数量受其幼虫期取食植物的影响。当幼虫取食苍耳发育到成虫后,在大株型豚草上的产卵数量大于幼虫取食豚草的成虫,4次产卵数也差异较大(中位值25~46粒);但两者在大株型苍耳上的平均产卵数量无显著差异,4次的产卵数差异较小(中位值15—20粒)。总体上在豚草上的产卵量均明显多于在苍耳上的。所产卵粒大小(体积)不受幼虫取食植物种类、产卵植物种类及其株型大小的显著影响,但卵孵化率受幼虫取食植物、成虫产卵植物种类及其株型大小等因素互作的显著影响。当在大株型植物上产卵时,在苍耳上产的卵孵化率在幼虫期取食的2种植物之间没有显著差异,但在豚草上产的卵孵化率存在显著差异:幼虫取食豚草的成虫产的卵孵化率低于其取食苍耳的卵;而在小株型植物上产卵时,卵孵化率不受幼虫期取食植物以及产卵植物的影响。结论:广聚萤叶甲幼虫发育所取食的植物可能影响其发育到成虫后在这些植物上的产卵行为,而幼虫取食苍耳的成虫仍偏好大株型豚草产卵。 To provide data for testing host specificity of Ophraella communa, an important biological control agent of the alien invasive common ragweed,Ambrosia artemisiifolia, a factorial experiment was conducted to test for effects of feeding plants, A. artemisiifolia and Xanthium sibiricum, upon which the larva developed, on adult oviposition behavior on these plants of variable size. The oviposition was observed daily to examine eggs laid during four consecutive days. The repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare number of eggs, egg size and egg hatching rate as affected by larval feeding plants, and adult oviposition plants of either large or small size, with a special emphasis on interactions between larval feeding and adult oviposition plants, between larval feeding plants and plant size. When test plants for oviposition were smaller in body size, the larval feeding plants did not influence the number of eggs deposited on the oviposition plants. However, when test plants were larger in body size, the number of eggs laid on the test plants were influenced by the plants on which the larva developed. More eggs were laid on A. artemisiifolia when the larva fed on X. sibiricum than on A. artemisiifolia,with a wide range in median(25-46) ;but the number of eggs deposited on X. sibiricum was not affected by the larval feeding plants, with a narrow range in median (15-20). Overall, more eggs were laid on A. artemisiifolia than on X. sibiricum. Egg size( in volume)laid on plants was not affected by larval feeding and adult oviposition plant species. Egg hatching rate was however influenced by interactions among larval feeding plants, adult oviposition plants and their size. When the oviposition was on large plants, the hatching rate of eggs laid on X. sibiricum was not significantly different between the two larval feeding plants, but that on A. artemisiifolia was greater when the larva fed on A. artemisiifolia than on X. sibiricum. When the oviposition was on small plants, the eggs laid were not different in h
出处 《南京农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期67-72,共6页 Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2009CB119200)
关键词 广聚萤叶甲 豚草 产卵行为 寄主专一性 外来入侵杂草 Ophraella communa Ambrosia artemisiifolia oviposition behavior host specificity alien invasive weeds
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