基于在沿淮淮北的生态气候条件与技术基础上,为了进一步对主推玉米品种‘隆平206’生产共性关键技术研究,集成黄淮南片夏玉米高产高效技术措施和技术标准规范,提出‘隆平206’在黄淮海南片的高产栽培技术规程,旨在为安徽省淮北玉米主产区提供技术理论依据和配套技术体系。研究采用二次通用旋转组合设计和计算机模拟选优的方法,对2011—2013年的优化栽培技术研究及高产创建应用,探讨了玉米高产栽培中的关键因子——密度、氮、钾肥与产量的回归关系。研究结果表明:‘隆平206’大面积高产群体产量结构指标为:收获株数60000~75000株/hm2;每穗500~650粒,千粒重350~360 g,平均穗行数15,行粒数33~35,单穗粒重160~220 g,穗长16~18 cm。‘隆平206’种植密度及N、K优化栽培技术方案:产量9750~10725 kg/hm2,要求纯氮施用量为247.5~306 kg/hm2,施钾量为261.3~315.9 kg/hm2,折合尿素540 kg/hm2,K2SO4450 kg/hm2。本规程规定了‘隆平206’品种适宜的生态气候条件、产量及群体结构指标、技术路线、高产栽培技术、田间管理、适期收获等技术要求;提出了75000~112500 kg/hm2产量及群体结构指标;具体农艺方案:确定适宜的生态播种时期→条深旋种、肥一体化机播技术→中高密度→水肥调控→病虫草害综合防控→适时晚收。
This technical specification is based on ecological and climatic conditions and technology based on the Huaihe River in Huaibei, in order to further the main maize varieties production of the 'Longping206' common key technology research, integration of the South Areas of the Yellow River, Huai and Hai Rivers Plain summer maize high yield and high efficiency measures and technical standards, the 'Longping206' in the area of technical specification of high yield planting technology, in order to provide theoretical basis for the and supporting technology system as the main producing areas in Huaibei province corn I. The two times general revolving combination design and computer simulation and optimization method, the optimization of cultivation techniques of high yield in 3 years and create application, discusses the key factor in maize cultivation-density, N, K and yield regression relationship. The study results showed that: 'Longping206' high-yield group yield structure index was: harvested plants 60000-75000 plant per hm2; 500-650 grains perpanicle, 1000 grain weight of 350-360 g, the average number of rows per ear grain number per row 15, 33-35, 160-220, G single grain weight per spike, spike length 16-18 cm. 'Longping206' planting density and N, K and cultivated technique: yield of 9750-10725 kg/hm2, requirement of the pure nitrogen application rate was 247.5-306 kg/hm2, K was 261.3 -315.9 kg/hm2 or 540 kg/hm2 urea, 450 kg/hm2 K2S04. This code specifies requirements for a 'Longping206' varieties suitable for ecological and climatic conditions, yield and index of population structure, technical route, high-yield cultivation techniques, field management, harvesting techniques; put forward 75000 kg/hm2 to 112500 kg/hm2 yield and population structure index; specific agronomic plan: determine the appropriate ecological planting time, deep circumflex type the fertilizer sowing teehnolo^2~, integration, high density, fertilization, pest control, timely late harvest.
Journal of Agriculture
Index of Population Structure
Technical Specification