
民国文学史概念的合法性及其历史依据 被引量:8

The Conceptual Validity and Historical Basis of ROC Literature History
摘要 近年来,民国文学史概念逐渐凸显出来,对其是否具有合法性,学术界尚有疑虑。其实这一概念的提出,是实事求是的历史主义精神得以恢复的表征;现代文学在民国社会文化背景下发生发展,其多元化格局、作家生存状态、作品的内涵与文体等都打上了深刻的民国烙印;遮蔽了民国视角,民族主义文学思潮与正面战场文学等重要的文学现象便得不到真实的反映与准确的评价。历史依据确凿存在,概念的合法性毋庸置疑。 Recently, the concept of ROC literature becomes more and more popular. As for its validity, there still exist doubts in academic circle. The proposal of this concept is a symbol of regaining the historical spirit based on the facts. Chinese modern literature was developing with ROC social culture as its background. The clear brand of ROC deeply influenced the diversified pattern, writers' survival condition, and the connotation and writing style of Chinese modern literature works. Without the ROC perspective, the native literature and the positive battlefield literature cannot be fully reflected and justly evaluated. Therefore, the conceptual validity is doubtless based on the historical facts.
作者 张中良
出处 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期17-22,共6页 Journal of Northwest Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 民国文学史 合法性 历史依据 ROC literature history validity historical basis
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