以295/75R22.5 18PR无内胎全钢载重子午线轮胎为例,研究带束层结构对轮胎接地性能的影响。在轮廓相同时,带束层结构不同,轮胎接地性能差异较大。在其它施工条件不变时,3层半带束层加零度带束层结构的无内胎全钢载重子午线轮胎肩部接地压力较小,耐久性能好,抗冠部爆破性能、速度性能和通过性能佳;4层带束层结构无内胎全钢载重子午线轮胎接地印痕趋于矩形,平均接地压力较小,肩部接地压力较大,耐磨性能、操控性能、胎圈耐久性能和安全性能好。
The inlfuence of belt structure on the ground contact properties of TBR tire was studied by taking 295/75R22.5 18PR tire as an example. When the tire proifle was the same, the ground contact properties of the tire with different belt structure could be significantly different. The experimental results showed that, with the belt structure of 3 belt layers plus one layer of 0o belt, the contact pressure on the tire shoulder was lower, the tire durability was better, the blasting resistance of tire crown, the speed performance and track performance of the tire were better. On the other side, with the structure of 4 regular belt layers, the tire footprint shape was rectangular, the average contact pressure was lower, the contact pressure on the tire shoulder was high, and the wear resistance of the tire, operation performance, bead endurance and driving safety were better.
Rubber Science and Technology