通过已有文献和植物标本查阅分析,结合野外调查,建立甘肃省野生维管植物数据库。在ArcGIS Desktop 9.3地理信息平台上,以县域名称为主键,将甘肃省各县域矢量图与汇总好的植物种数据联合,进行甘肃省野生维管植物丰富度、种域数、分化强度和县域间物种相似度数据的空间显示。结果表明,甘肃共有野生维管植物5207种,1216属,219科;不同县域间物种丰富度分布差距大,依次为,陇南、天水和甘南>河西>陇东地区>中部地区;文县和武都为甘肃维管植物分布中心。属和科的分化强度均与物种密度呈正相关(R=0.702和0.781,P<0.01),种域数与物种丰富度分布格局相反。依据县域间物种相似度,将甘肃省野生维管植物种分布划分为陇东黄土高原区、陇中黄土高原区、甘南高原区、甘南高原与陇南山地过渡区、陇南山地区、天水秦岭区、秦岭北麓区、河西地区和白银荒漠9区。甘肃中部北纬35°,自东向西有条明显U型断裂带,是甘肃省野生维管植物种分布的分界线,该线以南各区域共有植物4488种,占全省维管植物的86%;甘肃省野生维管植物地理分布格局的"突变"出现在崆峒区和榆中县。
Based on data from previous literature,plant specimens and field investigations,the database of wild vascular plants in Gansu Province has been established.The name of each county was the primary key,the data of plant species and the vector of every county of Gansu were combined,and the richness,range size of species,flora differentiations,and similarity index of plant species between two inter-counties are shown on an ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 geographic information platform.The total wild vascular plants species,genera and families in Gansu Province were 5207,1216 and 219,respectively.The differences in plant species richness between different counties were big,and the ranking was Longnan area,Tianshui and Gannan area>Hexi area>Longdong area>Central region in Gansu.Wenxian and Wudu counties were hot-spots of vascular plant distribution in Gansu.Flora differentiations of genera and families were positively significantly correlated with species diversity (R=0.702 and 0.781,respectively),the distribution pattern of plant range size and its richness were inversely related.Based on species similarity indices of each two inter-counties,the plant distribution in Gansu Province was regionalized into nine areas:Longdong loess plateau,Longzhong loess plateau,Gannan plateau,Gannan-Longnan ecotone,Longnan mountainous area,Tianshui Qinling,North Qinling Mountain,Hexi area and Baiyin desert area.The U-type line fault zone (north latitude 35 degree) located in central Gansu from east to west is a dividing line of wild vascular plant distribution; south of this line are 4488 species,accounting for 86 % of the total species of Gansu Province.The region of sudden change of wild vascular plants in Gansu Province is in Kongtong country and Yuzhong country.
Acta Prataculturae Sinica
vascular plants
richness species
flora differentiation
regionalization map