目的通过血管造影评价腹股沟皮肤皱褶、腹股沟韧带及股骨头之间的相互关系,确定股动脉穿刺理想体表位置,以减少局部血管并发症。方法对219例经皮右股动脉穿刺介入诊疗患者术后行右侧髂动脉造影,以股动脉长轴为参照,取腹股沟皮肤皱褶、股骨头中点平面及腹股沟韧带与股动脉交点分别作为参照点A、B、C,测量三点之间的距离,并统计分析三者之间关系。结果本组腹股沟皮肤皱褶与股骨头中点及腹股沟韧带的距离分别为(22.99±5.40)mm、(43.64±8.64)mm,股骨头中点距离腹股沟韧带的距离为(21.24±9.22)mm。临床可于腹股沟皮肤皱褶上方约22 mm作为股动脉体表穿刺标志。结论结合腹股沟皮肤皱褶及腹股沟韧带之间关系可确定股动脉穿刺的体表定位,且更加安全、可靠。
Objective To decide the optimal puncture site of the common femoral artery by analyzing the relationship between the inguinal crease, inguinal ligament and femoral head in order to reduce the incidence rate of local vascular complica- tions. Methods A total of 219 patients undergoing interventional therapy by percutaneous right femoral artery puncture and postoperative right-sidedness iliae artery angiograms were enrolled in this study. Taking the line between the anterior superior ili- ac spine and symphysis pubis as the internal landmarks, the intersection points between the inguinal crease, the midpoint of the femoral head and the inguinal ligament with femoral arteries were as point A, B and C. Distances of point A, B and C were de- tected, and relationships of the three points were statistically analyzed. Results The distance between the inguinal crease with the midpoint of the femoral head and the inguinal ligament was (22.99 ± 5.40) mm and (43.64 ± 8.64 )mm respectively, and the distance from the midpoint of femoral head to the inguinal ligament was (21.24 ± 9.22) mm. The 22 mm above the inguinal crease could be used as a puncture needle mark of femoral artery in clinic. Conclusion The optimal puncture site of the com- mon femoral artery can be decided in accordance with the relationship between the inguinal crease and inguinal ligament.
Clinical Misdiagnosis & Mistherapy