目的:构建适合听障老年人的家庭听觉康复训练方法,评估计算机辅助听觉训练的效果。方法选取80例双耳新选配多通道数字助听器的中度和重度听障老年人为研究对象,将其随机分成两组,一组为选配助听器后接受eARenaTM听觉康复的训练组(40例),另一组为选配助听器后不接受计算机辅助听觉康复训练的对照组(40例)。分别在助听器刚选配、选配后3个月和6个月采用格拉斯哥评估量表(Glasgow Hearing Aid Benefit Profile,GHABP)和助听器效果国际条目(International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids,IOI-HA)对两组老年人进行多因素、多水平方差分析。结果是否进行听觉康复训练、训练时间的长短对听障老年人的GHABP得分有显著影响(P<0.01);是否进行听觉康复训练、年龄与听力损失程度对听障老年人的IOI-HA得分有显著影响(P<0.01)。结论听障老年人在选配助听器后立即进行计算机辅助听觉康复训练可以更快地降低听力损失带来的困难程度与烦恼程度,更好地提升助听器的使用率、获益度与满意度。
Objective To establish the appropriate method of home-based auditory rehabilitation for older adults with hearing loss and to assess the effects of computer-assisted auditory training. Methods Eighty older adults with moderate or severe hearing loss were randomly divided into two groups. One group received eARenaTM-assisted auditory training immediately and the other group did not receive the auditory training after wearing hearing aids. The hearing of the two groups was evaluated by using Glasgow Hearing Aid Benefit Profile (GHABP) and International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids (IOI-HA) just wearing hearing aids and three and six months after wearing hearing aids. The results were analyzed with multi-way ANOVA. Results Both the computer-assisted auditory training and training time had significant effects on GHABP scores (P〈0.01), and the computer-based auditory training, age and degree of hearing loss had significant impact on the IOI-HA scores (P〈0.01). Conclusion The computer-assisted auditory training programs can help to reduce the difficulties and troubles due to hearing loss and to improve the usage, benefits and satisfaction of the older adults after using hearing aids.
Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation
Hearing impairment
Auditory rehabilitation
Older adult
Home-based rehabilitation
Computer-assisted auditory training