
欧洲高超声速技术发展路线研究 被引量:3

Analysis of European Hypersonic Technology Development Roadmap
摘要 以2012年第17届AIAA国际空天飞行器与高超声速系统技术会议上法国航空航天研究院进行的题为《欧洲高超声速综述》的报告为线索,对欧洲高超声速研究现状进行分析与梳理,将研究主要分为空间进入、航空运输和基础研究等领域,并对每个领域内的典型项目进行了技术性的研究。通过分析可以看出,欧洲的高超声速项目多瞄准远期空天飞行等目标,武器装备发展意图并不明确。此外,欧洲的高超声速飞行器相关技术并不成熟,短期内可能处于技术研究阶段,不能进行试飞或投入应用。 A thorough analysis of hypersonic research progress in Europe is accomplished aceoording to the presentation overview of hypersonics in Europe made by ONERA at 17th AIAA international space planes and hypersonic systems and technology conference. By dividing the researches into three areas, including space access, atmospheric transport, and key technology, representative projects in each area is consid- ered. A conclusion can be drawn that the development of hypersonic technology in Europe aims at further civil use, no obvious military purpose is observed. In addition, the key technologies involved in European hypersonic projects are not mature enough, hence a long period of fundamental research is necessary.
出处 《战术导弹技术》 2013年第6期10-14,19,共6页 Tactical Missile Technology
关键词 高超声速 空间进入 航空运输 hypersonic space access atmospheric transport
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