A rotating disk flush equipment with an electrochemical testing station was used to test the erosion -corrosion rate ofthe Pll0 steel under a multiple- factor coupling conditions. The impacts of different parameters such as particle size, sand content and flow rate on the erosion - corrosion rate of the P110 steel were compared by weight loss and electrochemical tests. The corrosion morphology was observed by scanning electron microscopy. The results show that the impacting force on surface of PllO steel is positively related to the liquid flow rate and grain size of sands in the same electrolyte; The rising NaC1 concentration will aggravate the erosion - corrosion because of the destruction of C1- for passive film. The erosion will reduce the roughness of sand surface, which will resume after the sands are broken. The erosion - corrosion rates increase first and then decrease with time. The impact of sand content on erosion- corrosion rate has a threshold of 3% (wt). When the threshold is exceeded, the erosion - corrosion rate increases first and then decreases because of the “ shielding effect” induced by the deposition of a larze amount of solid particles.
Corrosion & Protection In Petrochemical Industry
PllO steel, erosion - corrosion, electrochemical corrosion, weight - loss method