
大跨、高层结构动力弹塑性和倒塌分析(Ⅰ):原理、MSC.MARC子程序开发与验证 被引量:7

Dynamic elastic-plasticity and collapse analysis for large-span and high-rise structure(Ⅰ) : theory,development and verification of MSC. MARC subroutine
摘要 基于钢和混凝土静态、动态本构模型和纤维梁基本原理,开发了直接能够与MSC.MARC主程序保持数据相互调用的子程序(包括材料应变率效应、被动控制、主动控制与单元生死判断)。主要涉及到材料的应变率效应,该子程序不限于只考虑静态本构模型,还考虑了动态本构模型以进一步考虑结构在动力作用下应变率因素对结构反应的影响,可结合单元生死子程序用于结构在动力作用下的弹塑性和倒塌分析。最后,将编制的应变率子程序应用于钢筋混凝土构件的弹塑性分析,并与已有试验结果对比,说明了该子程序的可靠性和准确性,同时也认为有必要考虑应变率因素对结构反应的影响。 On the basis of the principle of fiber beam model and the static, dynamic constitutive models of steel and concrete, the subroutine, which is in compliance with MSC. MARC user guide, was coded and developed covering the effect of material strain-rate, passive control, active control and birth-death judgment of elements. The content focused on the effect of material strain rate effect. The developed subroutine includes the static stress-strain relationships well as the dynamic stress-strain relationships to consider the influence of strain-rate effect on structural dynamic response. Combined with birtb-death subroutine, structural elastic-plastic and collapse analysis can be conducted. At last, the developed subroutine was used to simulate the elastic-plastic analysis of reinforced concrete members and the simulation results were compared with experiment results. The analysis results show that the subroutine developed is verified to be reliable and accurate, and further indicate that it is necessary to consider the influence of strain-rate effect on the structural response.
出处 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期82-87,共6页 Building Structure
基金 中国博士后科学基金(2011M500332)
关键词 弹塑性 损伤滞回本构 应变率效应 纤维梁 MSC MARC 倒塌 elastic-plastic damage hysteretic constitutive relationship strain-rate effect fiber beam MSC. MARC collapse
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