水稻磷素利用率低是影响水稻产量的重要因素之一。为了发掘水稻耐低磷有利基因、培育磷高效品种,选用生产上大面积推广应用的恢复系‘蜀恢527’、‘明恢86’作为轮回亲本,以‘爷驼崽’为供体亲本,构建了2个BC2F4耐低磷选择回交导入系群体。分别在正常施肥量条件下和低磷条件下对2个群体进行产量性状鉴定和分析,同时对2个群体进行了分子标记检测,利用性状-标记间的单向方差分析,对耐低磷选择回交导入系群体的产量性状进行QTL定位。分析结果表明:在不同环境、不同遗传背景下单株有效穗数、每穗实粒数与单株产量之间呈极显著正相关;产量构成因素中,单株有效穗数受低磷胁迫影响较大,是造成低磷条件下减产的主要原因。2个群体在正常条件和低磷条件下共检测到控制单株有效穗数QTL 11个,控制每穗实粒数QTL 10个,控制结实率QTL 10个,控制千粒重QTL 9个,控制单株产量QTL 13个;检测到一因多效的位点12个。研究结果对低磷品种的选育、相关有利基因的发掘利用和分子标记辅助选择有重要参考作用,选择导入系也为耐低磷育种提供了材料。
The low utilization rate of phosphorus is a major limiting factor in rice production. In order to explore the rice tolerance to low phosphorus favorable genes and cultivate phosphorus efficient varieties, in our study, 2 BC2F4 backcrossing populations were developed from the elite indica restorer lines 'Shuhui527' and 'Minghui86' as the recurrent parents and 'Yetuozai' as donor parent. Yield and its related traits of the backcrossing populations were evaluated and analyzed under normal control and phosphorus deficiency conditions. SSR polymorphie molecular markers were used for genotypic analysis. One-way analysis of variances (ANOVA) was applied to identify QTLs for all the measured traits. The results suggested that, panicle number (PN) was greatly affected by phosphorus deficiency stress, resulting in the loss of yield among the yield component factors. The results of correlation analysis showed that, filed-grain number per panicle (FGP) and PN were in very significant positive correlation with grain yield (YD) under two conditions. The results of identified QTLs conferring YD and its related traits revealed that 11 QTLs, 10 QTLs, 10 QTLs, 9QTLs and 13 QTLs controlling PN, FGP, spikelet fertility (SF), thousand grain weight (TGW) and YD were detected respectively under two conditions. These findings provided useful information for the development of low phosphorus tolerance varieties, the discovery of favorable related genes and marker-assisted selection (MAS). Furthermore, the introgression lines in our study would be used as useful materials.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin