

Franklin Roosevelt and Ups and Downs of Indochina Trusteeship
摘要 1942-1944年夏之间,富兰克林·罗斯福总统在不同的场合多次提及托管印度支那的构想。罗斯福印度支那托管计划的出台,最为重要的原因是其对法国负面态度以及法国国际地位的认知。罗斯福最终放弃托管计划,英、法等国以及美国政府内部的反对是重要因素,但最重要的还是罗斯福的不作为,他没有根据国际环境的变化制订可行的方案。 Franklin Roosevelt, between 1942 and 1944, mentioned his plan of Indochina trusteeship in some occasions. This idea, though had idealistic factors, was driven with realistic interest ,while the most important reason was the negative attitude to France and France' s inter- national status due to this. This plan was a proposal rather than a mature policy. Roosevelt gave up this plan because of the disproval of the UK and France and different idea in American gov- ernment. However, the most important factor was President' s inaction., In other words, he did not make a feasible plan according to the change of international environment.
作者 李桂峰
机构地区 临沂大学文学院
出处 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2014年第3期36-41,共6页 Journal of Harbin University
关键词 富兰克林·罗斯福 美国 印度支那 托管计划 Franklin Roosevelt America Indochina trusteeship plan
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