熟知 ,两个N维实向量的DFT ,可以用一个N维复向量的DFT计算 .最近 ,S .Moshe和D .Hertz提出一个方法 :用一个 N 维复向量的DFT计算一个 N 维实向量的DFT和另一个N 维实向量的DFT的IDFT .这是一个优美的结果 ,具有理论意义和应用价值 .如何把上面的结果推广到二维的情形 ,是一个值得研究的问题 .一个矩阵的 2 D( 2维 )DFT通常用行列法化为1 DDFT来计算 .但是 ,用行列法把上述一维的结果推广到二维是困难的 .作者得到了计算二维情形的一些新的直接公式 ,其证明是简明的 ,它们分别推广了已有的结果 .同时还指出 ,在数字信号处理中当处理实信号时 ,这些公式非常有用 .特别地 。
It is well known that the DFT’s of two N point real vectors can be compute by a single DFT.Resently,S.Moshe and D.Hertz presented a method to compute the DFT of an N point real vector and IDFT of the DFT of another N point real vector by a single DFT.This result is elegant and effective.How to develop above results to case of two dimensional DFT(2 D DFT).It is an interesting problem.The 2 D DFT of a Matrix is usually separably computed(all rows and then all columns) by using 1 D DFT.But it is difficult for generalization of 1 D case,by using usual separable way.The authors obtain some new explicit formulas to compute 2 D case and their proof is straightforward and brief.It is an expansion of 1 D case.The authors also show that these formulas is very useful in digital signal processing when the digital signal is real.In particular,the 2 D Mallat decomposition algorithm is significantly improved.
Journal of Sichuan University(Natural Science Edition)