Based on the results of agricultural land grading, taking Luliang county in Yunnan Province, Fengdu county in Chongqing City, Fengxiang county in Shanxi Province, Altay county in Xinjiang Province, Dalate county in Inner Mongolia as examples, the characteristics and differences of agricultural land grading among the five coun- ties were compared. The limiting factors of agricultural land grading were identified, and some strategies were put forward. The results showed that the agricultural land grading in western region, as the representative of the above five counties, was relatively low, large area of agricultural land was medium and low grade with less high grade land and no distribution of excellent grade land. Effective soil layer thickness, organic matter content, irrigation condi- were the common restrict factors of cultivated land grading in the five regions. And for the northwest region and farming - pastoral zone of Inner Mongolia, the characteristic limiting factors included PH value, surface soil tex- ture, drainage condition and salinization degree, which were rock reveal degree for Yunnan - Guizhou plateau area, irrigation water for Loess plateau area, and forest coverage rate for the northwest area. Khove all, when formulating policy of protection and construction of regional cultivated land grading, it should not only consider the common re- strict factors, but also the regional specific limiting factors. The results in this study provided a scientific basis for the protection of land quality and the formulation of the construction policy.
Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning
western ecological fragile areas
agricultural land grading
limiting factors
promotion strategies