
个人社会资本与组织社会资本契合度对企业实际控制权的影响——基于国美电器和雷士照明的对比 被引量:37

The Effect of Correspondence of Social Capital on Ultimate Control Right——Case Study of GOME Company and NVC Company
摘要 在现代企业治理中,实际控制人往往采用"股权控制"与"社会资本控制"相互配合的手段实现对上市公司的控制,导致控制权不等于控股权的现象频频出现。承续前期研究,本文进一步将社会资本划分为个人社会资本和组织社会资本,并创造性地提出个人社会资本与组织社会资本契合度的概念。本文发现:实际控制人个人社会资本与组织社会资本的契合度会影响企业实际控制权的稳定性:实际控制人应将努力的焦点汇聚在如何使得自己的个人社会资本与企业的组织社会资本同步提升、同步发展上。 In the modern corporate governance, ultimate controlling shareholder achieves control of listed companies by share control chain and social capital control chain, which leads to the popping up of control rights unequal to controlling stake. In succession to previous studies, this paper focused on social capital control chain again, further divided social capital into personal social capital and organizational social capital, and constructively introduced a new conceptt, the correspondence degree. By constructing social capital correspondence degree model, this paper discovered its influence on the stability of ultimate controlling right. This paper also has implication for firm's sustainable development as well as the development of the individual.
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期121-133,共13页 China Industrial Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"面向中国低收入群体市场的商业模式创新研究"(批准号71072141) 国家自然科学基金项目"真实控制权 社会资本与上市公司终极股东剥夺行为研究"(批准号71372200) 北京工商大学国有资产管理协同创新中心项目"国有企业组织形式研究"(批准号GZ20130701)
关键词 个人社会资本 组织社会资本 契合度 实际控制权 personal social capital organizational social capital correspondence degree ultimate controllingshareholder
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