15、1 6世纪的英国出现了一种矛盾的历史现象 :一方面是资本主义兴起 ,另一方面是传统主义文化的强化。传统主义文化给资本主义的发展蒙上了一层厚厚的阴影。在这种背景下 ,英国经历了一场被当时人称之为“移风易俗”的改造传统文化运动。这一运动对于打破传统主义文化的障碍 ,促进英国资本主义的兴起和发展 ,起了至关重要的作用。
During the transition from feudalism to capitalism in 15 and 16 century England,traditional culture reached a new high.Against this background,a culture revolution, which contemporaries called “the reformation of manners”, occurred.This reformation of manners played an important role in breaking through the obstacle of traditional culture and creating moral and cultural conditions favorable to the development of capitalism.