以诏安湾内4个航次调查和分别采集到的虾类、贝类及鱼类样品为研究对象,采用气相色谱(GC)法,分析了样品中PCBs及OCPs含量及组分特征,采用致癌风险指数CRI(carcinogenic risk index)和接触风险指数ERI(expose risk index)作为人体健康评价标准进行了评价。结果显示:PCBs(多氯联苯)、HCHs(六六六)和DDTs(滴滴涕)在样品中质量分数变化范围分别为:0.00—7.32ng/g、0.00~0.65ng/g及0.00~152.93ng/g。PCBs主要以PCB77(3,3’,4,4’-四氯联苯)为主,HCHs不具有明显的组分特征且在大部分样品中未检出,4种DDTs污染物中,4.4’-DDT是主要的组分,DDT/∑DDTs平均值为68%,说明诏安湾内可能存在DDTs新的输入源,污染物的CRI〈1.0×10^-4,显示为可接受的致癌风险;ERI〈1,显示为可接受的接触风险。
In this study, samples of molluscs, shrimp, shellfish and fish collected during four surveys in Zhao'an Bay were analyzed by GC , in addition the index of CRI ( carcinogenic risk index) and ERI ( expose risk index) were used to evaluate the human health risk assessment. Results showed that the content of PCBs, HCHs and DDTs in the samples ranged between ND (not detected) to 7.32 ng · g-1, 0.65 ng · g-1 and 152.82 ng · g-1, respectively. The 3 , 3', 4, 4' - tetrachlorohiphenyl was the major composition of PCBs; HCHs were undetected in most samples and did not show obvious compositional characterization; the 4.4' - DDT was the main component among the four DDTs in samples. The average of DDT/∑ DDTs ratio was 68% , showing that there might be new input of DDTs in the bay recently. The CRI was less than 10^-4, it indicated that cancerization risk to humans was acceptable and ERI of less than 1 mean the contact action would not threaten the human health .
Journal of Fujian Fisheries