Kuang Zhouyi role in the Ci history in has compiled Yue Xi Ci Jian, which is the first Ci anthology and plays an important Guangxi . "Ci Jian" used in the title includes two kinds of meanings, one means see- ing, and another means evaluation of Ci history and Ci poets in Guangxi by Yuexi Ci poets aimed to research the prosperous reasons of Lingui Ci . Kuang Zhouyi compiled Ci written School, to show the great achieve- ment of local Ci Poems, and to spread the Ci Poems of Yuxi Ci Poets. This book adopted the order by the age and generation of Ci poets. It also included the order by the social status of Ci poets. The book not only inherited the style of the first Ci anthology named Hua Jian Ji but also insisted Kuang ZhouYi's own criteria of selecting Ci.
Journal of Qujing Normal University