

Transformation of NON-Standard X-ray Dynamic Video Signial from Transmitting for Easydiagnost Eleva System in Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Procedure
摘要 消化内镜中心开展大量胆胰疾病治疗,进行ERCP(逆行胰胆管造影)手术,X光机是必不可少设备;大部分ERCP病例X线动态视频信号图像,是高分辨率非标注视频,普通录像设备不能直接将ERCP X线动态视频信号采集录制下来,只能将单幅图片保存或胶片打印下来;大型会议交流、临床教学或医疗鉴定,往往动态视频资料比单纯图片更有说服力。ERCP病人动态视频资料保存一直是个难点,本文以飞利浦数字化ERCP专用X射线成像系统Easy Diagnost Eleva为例,将动态视频信号源进行分析,采用北京嘉恒图自公司生产的视频采集卡M30-B,解决了非标准动态视频信号的转换,利用硬盘录像机或DVD刻录机完整清晰刻录保存X线动态视频图像,很好地满足了临床需要和视频示教,为病例会诊提供了丰富动态视频影像资料。 X-ray is a necessary equipment for Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography to treat cholangio-pancreatic diseases in the centers of endoscopy. Most of the X-ray video signals of ERCP are non-standard and high resolution, so that it can be saved as pictures or film printers easily, but difficult to be converted to standard signals of dynamic video directly for displaying on exchange conferences, clinical teaching and medical malpractice identification. To solve the problem, we instal ed the video capture card M30-B in computer to analyzing the X-ray video signals of ERCP transmit ing from EasyDiagnost Eleva system and successful y finished standard medical signal transformation for dynamic video before they were burned to a digital video disc,which can meet meet demand of clinic teaching and consultation.
作者 蒋国斌
出处 《中国医疗器械信息》 2014年第2期24-27,共4页 China Medical Device Information
关键词 X线 视频采集卡 视频转换 信号干扰 ERCP ERCP X-ray video capture card video signal transformation signal interference
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