
基于模块软件系统的测试资源分配研究 被引量:1

Development of Testing-resource Allocation System Based on Modular Software
摘要 基于串-并联模块软件系统,研究了单元测试中测试资源分配问题。同时考虑系统可靠性和软件费用,提出一种带约束的多目标优化模型,针对标准粒子群算法收敛速度慢、容易陷入局部极小等缺点,给出了一种杂交粒子群算法。该算法利用迭代局部搜索算法的邻域搜索及其扰动机制进行详细局部搜索并跳出局部最优解,采用"回飞机制"处理约束条件,求解近似最优解。最后通过实例与遗传算法比较,结果表明该方法能有效地分配测试资源,在提高软件测试质量的同时降低软件费用。 It describes both system reliability and testing cost in the testing -resource allocation problems for se-ries-parallel modular software systems during testing phase , presents a hybrid particle swarm optimization ( HP-SO) algorithm for testing -resource allocation problems .It designs the HPSO algorithm for specific constraints with 'fly-back mechanism'method, applies the Iterated Local Search ( ILS) scheme to the candidate solution of the swarm to help the algorithm escape from local optima .The experimental results show that the HPSO is more effective and efficient than a genetic algorithm .
作者 杨平良
出处 《机械设计与制造工程》 2013年第12期47-52,共6页 Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering
关键词 测试资源分配 杂交粒子群算法 软件可靠性 模块软件系统 Testing -resource Allocation Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Software Reliability Modular Software System
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